The Wonder 2022 is a psychological drama film directed by Sebastián Lelio, a Chilean filmmaker who won the Best International Feature award for his “A Fantastic Woman” film. This film is based on Donoghue’s 2016 novel of the same name. Florence Pugh, the protagonist, is joined by Tom Burke, Niamh Algar, Elaine Cassidy, Dermot Crowley, Bran F. O’Byrne, David Wilmot, Ruth Bradley, Caolán Byrne, Josie Walker, Ciarán Hinds, Toby Jones, Kla Lord Cassidy in the ensemble cast.
The Wonder is a Netflix film that runs for about 1 hour and 50 minutes, and English is the only language used.
The Wonder 2022 is a story about two strangers who change one other’s lives in the Irish Midlands in 1862. A little girl quits eating yet amazingly survives and is healthy. Lib Wright, an English nurse, is sent to a small town to care for an eleven-year-old girl named Anna O’Donnell. Tourists and pilgrims go to see the girl who is claimed to have gone months without eating. Is the village home to a saint surviving on ‘manna from heaven’, or is there something more sinister at work?
While seeing The Wonder, I was fascinated by the film’s idea and was very amazed by the outcome. You may not know this, but I enjoy films that begin with narrations, and this one does so, my heart is won already.
This film begins with narration and continues with dialogues, not just mere dialogues, but engaging and intriguing ones. I was completely attentive while viewing this film since one twitch of the eye might cause you to miss a crucial silent detail.
When the movie began, the narrator exhorted us to trust everything we were about to witness, and I did. I believed in the plot, despite having too many ‘what if’ questions and the outcome was incredible.
There are various aspects of this film to consider.
Characters/Acting: Anna O’Donnell, played by Kla Lord Cassidy, is one of the film’s protagonist. Her performance is outstanding. Her facial expressions, voice, tone, and the vast variety of emotions she exhibited are all flawless. Not only that, but she’s a perfect match for the part. An 11-year-old girl who believes she is nourished by manna from heaven.
Florence Pugh, who plays Lib Wright, an English nurse and reasonable thinker who participated in the Crimean War, is another figure who astounded me. She is entrusted with demonstrating that Anna is not living by miracle.
She and Kla are the characters that get the most screen time, yet they never fail to deliver in any scenario. They effectively communicated their character’s personalities and qualities. She was as calm as a nurse should be, and when she had to be tough with Anna’s family, she did it in the manner of a nurse.
Cinematography: I was quite impressed with the film’s sets, camera work, and positioning. The environment is breathtaking in every way. The make-up artists’ work is also excellent. The elders of the council were made to appear ancient, including their wigs, attire, and the color of Anna’s skin when she was unwell, among other things. The make-up artist is incredible.
I don’t believe there were too many special effects used; there was no pressing need for them, but when they were employed, the outcome and execution were excellent. The flames, for example, appeared to be genuine.
Themes: Although this movie explores a wide range of subjects, faith serves as one of its primary themes. The local community and media have taken notice of Anna’s assertion that she was able to survive without food, and many people think that she is working a miracle. Lib, a logical and scientific thinker, challenges this assumption by attempting to demonstrate that Anna is not surviving without food. In addition to examining the conflicts between faith and science, the movie also looks at how individuals attempt to make meaning of things that they are unable to fully comprehend.
The film also addresses the topic of survival. The assertion made by Anna that she was able to survive without food raises concerns about the capabilities of human endurance and the human mind. The movie also examines Anna’s claims’ reasons as well as the many demands and expectations that others close to her place on her.
The power of the human mind is the last theme that the movie touches on. Lib gets more and more interested in how the mind can affect the body and how people may overcome obstacles that at first seem insurmountable as she tries to comprehend Anna’s experiences.
Did you know?
When asked how Kila Lord Cassidy was found by Sebastián Lelio.
He declared, “Anna’s part is crucial to the movie. We relied on finding the appropriate female because she spends a significant amount of the movie on the screen. The casting director here in Ireland was looking for girls throughout the nation while I was in Chile during the pandemic.”
“Every week, I would get dozens of casting videos, and as the shoot date drew near, I began to worry that we still didn’t have an actor. Kla’s tape left me dumbfounded since I thought she was a real actress, however she is just 11 years old”, He spoke.
“She (Kla) was completely dedicated to what she was doing on the tape, it’s hard to explain, but she deeply knew the character,” the speaker continues. Kla, who is a gem, and Florence each have a beating heart in the movie.” – According to
The plot and the characters touched me. The movie is excellent, has a strong emotional impact on me, and I believe it would have same impact on you. These emotional effects can come from the relationships, hardships, or victories of the characters.
It’s crucial to remember that the movie will likely contain some mind-blowing insights, so I suggest you belt up and get ready. The reveal may take some time because the movie is suspenseful, but I promise it will be worth the wait.
The film “The Wonder” examines themes of religion, survival, and the power of the human intellect. It is overall a thought-provoking and emotionally stirring work of art.
I recommend the Wonder to all psychological drama lover ablove the age of 16 because of nudity in the film.
You can watch The Wonder in cinemas.
Similar genre – Where the Crawdads Sing
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